Back from a much needed vacation, this time Italy. Can't believe how many pictures I took of architecture and statues. Breathtakingly educational material. My travel mates chastised me somewhat for all of the cloud pictures I took. I guess they couldn't appreciate the fact that I was mostly taking reference and inspirational photos. Oh well. Hopefully I'll be able to use some of what I took in future pieces.
Now on to todays quick face sketch. I've been trying out new brush variations for Corel Painter. I find that I'm still getting a hang of the program slowly but surely. And now that's I'm actively job hunting I actually have the time to experiment without a deadline to meet. No reference was involved. Took about an hour and a half from setup to finish. There are some glaring anatomical issues, but I was mainly trying to focus on value and tone more so than anything else. Anywho, enjoy.