So Capcom conducted a fan-based contest this past week where participants were asked to design a weapon that potentially might make it into the game for it's North American and European/Australia release sometime in 2010. If you know anything about Monster Hunter or are a fan of sorts you realize simply designing a weapon is too shortsighted a task. All things come from the monsters you defeat in the naturally my weapon needed an inspiring monster to be drawn from, literally.

Now that this little guy was finished I moved onto the weapon, or in this case weapons. There are multiple categories of weapon in MH and I needed so see what I could do with all of them before deciding on one.

In the end I decided on doing a finished rendering of the Slash Axe weapon type, a weapon with two modes.

Submissions just ended recently, so it'll probably be sometime before winners are announced. I'll update if/when that happens. In the meantime I will probably flesh out all the weapons in my free time.